Sunday, January 15, 2012

I'm Taking Over

Hi all....this is "the little brown dog"..aka...Miss G, Monkey, Georgia Dilettante and various other call names.
Charlie and I playing
My mom apparently is not so good at this blog stuff so, I have decided to take it over for now and help her out. My adventures are way more fun than hers anyway!
It has been a few days so I will try and catch you all up!!

The new year has brought some changes at 7411 Keen. My mom is letting me go two times a week with Charlie Mae to the park to play.... ALL DAY!  (and the wonderful human dog walker Michelle too.... We have been having so much fun but it has taken a little getting used to. My mom, I notice, has been sad on a couple of occasions as I am not home to interrupt her and entertain her all day.
It's okay mom.  I will work hard at night to make up for that :)
As well, I have had to convince my mom that I should get an extra helping at dinner. I am a growing girl and have to be able to keep up with the other kids at the park and show them how I can run!!! I do love to run :) And....I hate to admit it but, I have had to take naps in the evening several times when I get home. But how wonderful to come home to my cozy house, my mom, my well worn in cedar bed on the heated floor and be able to snuggle up after a tough days work and rest until dinner. Oh the life of the little brown dog.

In case the dog park was not enough exercise I was lucky enough to spend Friday with my Auntie Susan and one of my best friends, Mr. Titan. Mr T and I have been friends exactly a year on Saturday :) We dug a few holes in Susan's yard, played tug, wrestled on Katie's bed (Susan's daughter) (getting it all muddy - oops). Then mom came to join us and we all went to the dog beach and rolled in the sand, played in the sound, chewed on sticks and had all sorts of fun. I love my Mr T.

Besides the day to day, I have had several fun adventures with mom and with the clients. It is a good thing mom has built this business full of so many folks who want to come visit me and play with me! We have had a couple of fun Tuesday night runs even though it has been dark and cold out. Best of all, though, has been the trail runs at Tiger and Cougar Mountains.

On the 7th of January I had to work hard to make sure the trail was marked just right at Tiger Mountain. My friend Joe accompanied me and his human Tad kept mom company. We had to keep encouraging them to speed up and they kept asking us to come back a little closer. I tell you. I know mom did not get any pictures of that day but maybe my Aunt Andria did as she is much better at remembering to take pictures.

Then just yesterday mom took me out Cougar Mountain with Ty and my friend Jet. We had so much fun running in the snow and slush! All 10 feet and paws were very muddy by the time we were done.

And that brings us to today.
We woke up to a dusting of snow here at Keen Street. I tried to rally mom about 5am but she insisted (after a short visit outside) that we remain in bed (pretending to sleep) until 6:30. Finally we could get up and go play!!! My magic red ball and I had a great time over in the green lake fields. Thanks mom!
Now home to rest a bit while mom does some work and then maybe some play time later with Charlie, Titan or my grandpa.....we will see what this Sunday holds.

Hope you enjoy the adventures....I am off to find a ball that squeaks or to dig a hole in my yard :)


Little G

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